.. _user/certificates: ############ Certificates ############ This section in the Connectware allows you to upload custom certificates into the Connectware ``certs`` volume. Please see the following picture to learn more about this section controls and on-screen information about the certificates uploaded: .. figure:: ../resources/certificates/certificates-1.png :width: 700px Upon uploading a certificate, a backup of the current certificates will be created. The last backup will be overwritten with the newly created backup and then the uploaded certificate will be appended to the current certificate chain. These certificates are stored on the ``certs`` volume under the name ``cybus_ca.crt``, which is the current list of certificates and ``cybus_ca_backup``, which is the backup of the previous list of certificates. These files can be referenced using the full path: ``/connectware_certs/cybus_ca.crt`` and ``/connectware_certs/cybus_ca_backup``. When adding another certificate with a different organization, it will look like this: .. figure:: ../resources/certificates/certificates-2.png :width: 700px