.. _OpcuaReferenceType: ************************** OPC UA (Server References) ************************** If you want to use a predefined OPC UA node in your commissioning file, you can use a Node reference to achieve that. One use case of that is placing newly defined nodes at the certain point in the OPC Server tree. The other possibility is to publish data of predefined nodes as MQTT capable nodes. It is possible to create am instance of an object type by using the resource type ``Cybus::Node::OpcuaObject`` .. include:: ../protocolSchemas/OpcuaReferenceNode.rst Example Commissioning File ========================== Download: :download:`opcua-references-example.yml` .. literalinclude:: opcua-references-example.yml :language: yaml :linenos: Preexisting nodeIds can be referenced using an absolute nodeId, e.g ``ns=1;s=1001``. It is also possible to reference a nodeId by a browsePath from a certain start point that needs to specified as well. Please review the BNF documentation for this: https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part4/A.2/ This text needs to be extended to show how to specify a browsepath.