.. _user/requirements: ################### System Requirements ################### In order to make sure that Connectware can run stable and secure, certain requirements regarding system resources and software setup need to be met. Hardware Requirements --------------------- The actual hardware requirements are strongly dependent on the use case regarding message rates and sizes which are expected, as well as storage space for databases or similar. For a setup utilizing basic functionality and without extraordinary message loads, the following resources are known to be sufficient: - 64-bit CPU with x86 architecture - 4 GB RAM (minimum) - 32 GB hard drive (recommended) .. note:: ARM-based computing platforms such as RaspberryPi do not meet these requirements and are currently not supported by the standard version of the Connectware. Software Requirements --------------------- - Linux operating system - Docker - Docker Compose - Latest stable version of Chrome browser Docker should be installed using the official setup guide https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/. Installing Docker by the package manager `Snap` is known to be causing issues and should be avoided. .. note:: Connectware is designed to operate on Linux systems, deployed with Docker Compose. Running Connectware on Windows hosts or with different container-orchestration systems is not part of the standard version of the Connectware, but may be available upon request. Virtual Host Requirements ------------------------- Full Docker support including privileged containers is necessary to run Connectware on virtual hosts. Sufficient platforms: - VMware - AWS EC2 (e.g. using `t3a.medium` instances with Ubuntu 20.04) - Azure VM - Google Compute Engine