.. _user/services/structure/metadata: ******** metadata ******** The *metadata* section allows you to specify further information about your service in a structured way. .. Metadata Keys .. ============= .. name .. A short title typically used in UI representation .. icon .. A link to an icon image typically used in UI representation .. provider .. The provider/author of the this service commissioning file .. homepage .. URL to the homepage of the provider Properties ========== =========== ========== ============ Property Type Required =========== ========== ============ `homepage`_ ``string`` Optional `icon`_ ``string`` Optional `name`_ ``string`` **Required** `provider`_ ``string`` Optional `version`_ ``string`` Optional =========== ========== ============ homepage -------- URL to the homepage of the provider - is optional - type: ``string`` - format: ``uri`` – Uniformous Resource Identifier (according to `RFC3986`_) icon ---- A link to an icon image typically used in UI representation - is optional - type: ``string`` .. _user/services/structure/metadata/name: name ---- A short title typically used in UI representation. It is allowed to use :ref:`parameter substitutions ` in this property, for example setting it to ``!sub 'Machine ${machineNum}'`` if there exists a parameter `machineNum`. The auto-generated default :ref:`Service ID ` will be generated from this string by removing all characters that are not allowed for the Service ID. For backward-compatibility reasons, in Connectware version 1.0.x all characters are changed to lowercase and also all punctuation is removed, including underscore and period. - required - type: ``string`` - maximum length: 80 characters provider -------- The provider/author of the this service commissioning file - is optional - type: ``string`` version ------- Semantic version of the service - is optional - type: ``string`` .. _homepage: #homepage .. _icon: #icon .. _name: #name .. _provider: #provider .. _version: #id1 .. _RFC3986: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986 Example ======= .. code-block:: yaml metadata: name: Simulated Machining Center icon: http://www.axon-mcs.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Litz-LU620.jpg provider: cybus homepage: https://www.cybus.io