.. _user/services/structure/resources/connection: ***************** Cybus::Connection ***************** A *connection* provides connectivity to some other things over some protocol (see also :ref:`user/protocols/index`) and implements `connect` and `disconnect` functionality. Properties ========== ============== ========== ============ Property Type Required ============== ========== ============ `protocol`_ ``enum`` **Required** `targetState`_ ``enum`` Optional `agentName`_ ``string`` Optional `connection`_ ``object`` **Required** ============== ========== ============ protocol -------- Identifies the protocol for which a connection should be established - is **required** - type: ``enum`` The value of this property **must** be equal to one of the below .. include:: ../../../shared/protocols.rstinc targetState ----------- The state this resource should be in, after start-up. - is optional - type: ``enum``, must be one of ``connected``, ``disconnected`` - default: ``connected`` agentName --------- Only set this property if your protocol-mapper runs as in a distributed mode, i.e. on an :ref:`agent ` instance separated from the Connectware. If this is the case, specify the corresponding agent name here. - is optional - type: ``string`` - default: ``protocol-mapper`` connection ---------- - is **required** - type: ``object`` Depending on the protocol type the connection provides the following properties: - ``Ads`` :ref:`user/protocols/ads_connection` - ``Bacnet`` :ref:`user/protocols/bacnet_connection` - ``EthernetIp`` :ref:`user/protocols/ethernetIp_connection` - ``GenericVrpc`` :ref:`user/protocols/genericVrpc_connection` - ``Focas`` :ref:`user/protocols/focas_connection` - ``Hbmdaq`` :ref:`user/protocols/hbmdaq_connection` - ``Heidenhain`` :ref:`user/protocols/heidenhain_connection` - ``Http`` :ref:`user/protocols/http_connection` - ``InfluxDB`` :ref:`user/protocols/influxdb_connection` - ``Kafka`` :ref:`user/protocols/kafka_connection` - ``Modbus`` :ref:`user/protocols/modbus_connection` - ``Mqtt`` :ref:`user/protocols/mqtt_connection` - ``Mssql`` :ref:`user/protocols/mssql_connection` - ``Opcda`` :ref:`user/protocols/opcda_connection` - ``Opcua`` :ref:`user/protocols/opcua/opcuaClient_connection` - ``Profinet`` :ref:`user/protocols/profinet_connection` - ``S7`` :ref:`user/protocols/s7_connection` - ``Shdr`` :ref:`user/protocols/shdr_connection` - ``Sinumerik`` :ref:`user/protocols/sinumerik` - ``Sopas`` :ref:`user/protocols/sopas_connection` - ``Sql`` :ref:`user/protocols/sql_connection` - ``Systemstate`` :ref:`user/protocols/systemstate_connection` - ``Werma`` :ref:`user/protocols/werma_connection` Most protocols expose a property ``connectionStrategy`` which allows configuring the incremental delays between re-connection attempts. Each protocol provides defaults for this configuration which is documented on each of them. In general an ``initialDelay`` property determines how many milliseconds to wait before the first attempt to re-connect is executed and then this value is multiplied by the configured ``incrementFactor``, replacing the original ``initialDelay``, up to a maximum configured ``maxDelay`` that once reached causes all subsequent re-connection attempts to occur after that many milliseconds. Once the connection is restablished the ``initialDelay`` is reset to its original value. The procotols Mqtt, Opcua, S7 and Sinumerik use their own strategy described in each of them. Examples ======== *Mqtt* .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: mqttConnection: type: Cybus::Connection properties: protocol: Mqtt connection: host: broker *OPC UA* .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: opcuaConnection: type: Cybus::Connection properties: protocol: Opcua connection: host: port: 50000 username: user password: user *Modbus* .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: modbusConnection: type: Cybus::Connection properties: agentName: edge-mapper # uses the protocol-mapper agent 'edge-mapper' protocol: Modbus connection: host: port: 10502