
localAddress (string, required)

The local address of the client

Example: ""

localPort (integer, required)

The local TCP port used to communicate to the device.

Example: 32750

host (string, required)

The device address. It can be an IP address or a hostname.

Example: ""

routerTcpPort (integer)

The ADS Router TCP port

Default: 48898

Example: 48898

port (integer, required)

AMS port of the ADS device. This is not the TCP port used but the setting usually known as PortNr.; the actual TCP port is adsRouterTcpPort.

Example: 851

netId (string, required)

AMS Net ID of the ADS device.

Example: ""

timeoutDelay (integer)

Time (milliseconds) after connecting to the router or waiting for command response is canceled due to timeout

Default: 2000

connectionCheckEnabled (boolean)

If true, the connection will be regularly checked for existing connectivity in the time interval as defined in the parameter connectionCheckInterval. Otherwise no additional connectivity check is run.

Default: true

connectionCheckInterval (integer)

How often to check the connection (in milliseconds)

Default: 5000

connectionDownDelay (integer)

How much time should pass without response to mark the connection down (in milliseconds)

Default: 25000

connectionStrategy (object)

If a connection attempt fails, retries will be performed with increasing delay (waiting time) in between. The following parameters control how these delays behave.

Properties of the connectionStrategy object:

initialDelay (integer)

Delay (waiting time) of the first connection retry (in milliseconds). For subsequent retries, the delay will be increased according to the parameter incrementFactor which has a default value of 2.

Default: 1000

Additional restrictions:

  • Minimum: 1000

maxDelay (integer)

Maximum delay (waiting time) to wait until the next retry (in milliseconds). The delay (waiting time) for any subsequent connection retry will not be larger than this value. Must be strictly greater than initialDelay.

Default: 30000

incrementFactor (integer)

The factor used to increment initialDelay up to maxDelay. For example if initialDelay is set to 1000 and maxDelay to 5000 the values for the delay would be 1000, 2000, 4000, 5000.

Default: 2

Additional restrictions:

  • Minimum: 2

Last updated

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