User Management (API)
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LDAP configuration
MFA configuration
MS Entra ID configuration
User to be created
An array of roleId of the roles the new user should have. (Must be roleId, not role name.)
Object with array of users and pagination information
Array of user ids
Array of user ids
User to be created
An array of roleId of the roles the new user should have. (Must be roleId, not role name.)
User IDs to be deleted
Id of user
Id of user
Data required for update of a user
An array of roleId of the roles the new user should have. (Must be roleId, not role name.)
Indicates that MFA for the given user should be disabled
Enforces the user to enroll MFA
Id of user
Id of user
List of user generated tokens
Id of user
Token(s) deleted
Id of user
Certificate to be created
Id of user
Data required for deleting a certificate
Id of user
Role to be added
Id of user
Data required for deleting a role
Role to be created
A comma separated list of MS Entra Id groups associated with this role
A comma separated list of MS Entra Id groups associated with this role
Array of roles
A comma separated list of MS Entra Id groups associated with this role
Object with array of roles and pagination information
Object with array of roles names and ids
Id of role
A comma separated list of MS Entra Id groups associated with this role
Id of role
Data required for update of a role
A comma separated list of MS Entra Id groups associated with this role
A comma separated list of MS Entra Id groups associated with this role
Id of role
Id of role
Array of permissions
The MQTT topic or REST URL path for which the permission is granted. Both may include MQTT-style wildcards.
Id of role
Permission to be created
Id of role
Id of permission
The MQTT topic or REST URL path for which the permission is granted. Both may include MQTT-style wildcards.
Id of role
Id of permission
Data required for update of a permission
Id of role
Id of permission
Authentication credentials
Permissions the authenticated user has
Present when MFA was enrolled by the user already
Present when MFA has to be enrolled but was not enrolled by the user
Permissions the authenticated user has
Object with array of permissions and pagination information
The ids of all permissions aggregated by resource, operation and context
The permission's resource
The ids that have the same aformentioned resource, operation and context
Token data
Username to be registered. The Auth Server will check this for uniqueness, so be sure to generate a reasonably namespaced username.
Secret password that should be set for the user. This will be stored in hashed form on the receiver side. Either this or a csr should be supplied.
Base 64 encoded certificate signing request in PEM format. Instead of a password, a client side certificate (x.509) can be used for authentication. If the CSR is supplied, the signed certificate will be returned once the authentication request is granted.
Name of roles the user wants to be assigned to
Permissions the user wants to be granted individually
Free text that helps the granting user understanding where this request comes from.
"IoT Device Serial Number <0123456>"
Granted. The registration request has been confirmed, proceed to login
Signed certificate in Base64 encoded PEM format. This is only supplied if a CSR had been present in the registration payload.
String with ISO 8601 timestamp of the last request update.
Username that is requested to be granted access.
Free text that helps the granting user understanding where this request comes from.
"IoT Device Serial Number <0123456>"
This parameter defines how long the registration endpoint will be kept open (in milliseconds). Default if undefined: 30000 milliseconds
Username to confirm. Must match a username that is currently in the pendingRequests list.
An array of roleId of the roles the new user should have. (Must be roleId, not role name.)
Array of certficates
Certificate content to be added, a chain can be passed and will be accepted
Array of added certficates
Certificate content
Not supported
The minimum number of characters a password must contain. Zero disables this rule.
The minimum number of lower-case letters a password must contain. Zero disables this rule.
The minimum number of upper-case letters a password must contain. Zero disables this rule.
The minimum number of digit numbers a password must contain. Zero disables this rule.
The minimum number of symbol or punctuation characters a password must contain. Zero disables this rule.
Indicate the current running status of a backup/restore operation.
Accepted. Database backup started.
Accepted. The archive is uploaded, and the database restores process starts.
User to validate
All necessary data for logging in with MFA
Permissions the authenticated user has
Present when MFA was enrolled by the user already
Present when MFA has to be enrolled but was not enrolled by the user
User to disable
User to regenerate codes for
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