Client Registry

In many situations, external clients must be enabled to connect to Cybus Connectware automatically. The exchange of credentials is a crucial step in the pairing process.

As a first thought, one might tend to explicitly create a user with a corresponding password and set this password manually on the client in question. However, this process is both cumbersome and contains security risks, because pre-shared credentials need to be carried around. It is much better to have credentials exchanged automatically in the background without any administrator interaction.

The solution is to use Connectware’s Client Registry process, which provides a secure and easy way to register new clients and users at the Connectware for subsequent data access.

The client registry process (also referred to as self registration) can be used either in implicit form with any MQTT client, or in explicit form for clients that use the REST API. This process needs to be performed e.g. when setting up the credentials for data sources to send data to Connectware, or when the credentials for distributed Connectware agents need to be registered at the central Connectware instance.

Last updated

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