Upgrading from 0.x to 1.0
This section descibes the upgrading of a Cybus Connectware installation from a previous 0.x version to 1.0.0. For an overview of concept changes, see Changelog from 0.x to 1.0.
Upgrading the Connectware installation
To upgrade the installed version from 0.x to 1.0, just download and run the connectware-online-installer.sh
script as usual. If a 0.x installation is detected, the Connectware containers of the previous installation will be stopped and the container instances removed, but the container images will remain installed.
It is not possible to run both versions in parallel on the same computer, just as it is not possible to run more than one instance of the Connectware in parallel on one computer anyway. It is possible to have both versions installed and start either of both versions alternating, as long as one version is stopped completely (using docker compose down
) before starting the other version. Make sure to reload your browser window (e.g. by Ctrl+F5) when switching between both versions, as sometimes the browser keeps the wrong version of the admin UI in its cache.
Currently, no automatic migration of user data, device configuration, or service configuration is implemented. Please contact Cybus support if you need help in migrating your data.
Migrating commissioning files
In the following, the necessary migration work for service and device commissioning files will be described.
In 1.0, the resources of one commissioning file can reference other resources not only from the same commissioning file and service, but also across different services using the service ID. Hence, the complete system context can be described by one or or by multiple commissioning files, whatever fits best for the application. In particular, it is up to you whether the old device and service commissioning files are migrated into one or into two files. Both is possible.
Service commissioning files
To migrate the old service commissioning files into new service commissioning files with resources, the following steps must be performed with the respective sections in the old file:
properties must be rewritten in the new top-level properties or metadata properties, see Structure of Commissioning Files.Old
sections must be rewritten into Cybus::Container resourcesOld
sections must be rewritten into Cybus::IngressRoute resourcesFor more information, feel free to contact Cybus Support.
Device commissioning files
To migrate the old device commissioning files into new service commissioning files with resources, the following steps must be performed with the respective sections in the old file:
sections must be rewritten into Cybus::Connection resourcesOld
sections are not needed as separate entries anymore. For the definition of the target topic prefix, either the default from the Cybus::MqttRoot global parameter is used, or the endpoint’s topic property needs to be defined.Old
sections must be rewritten into Cybus::Mapping resourcesDefault settings that were used in multiple mappings (now: multiple endpoints) now need to be defined using definitions and used by
in the properties.For more information, feel free to contact Cybus Support.
Specific Topics
Template Syntax
In 0.x Connectware, the installation specific parameters were made configurable using the {{...}}
template syntax. When installing commissioning files with these templates, the user was being asked to give values for these templates.
In 1.0 Connectware, the installation specific parameters are noted as parameters. They are defined in the parameters section of the commissioning file, then used by the !sub
function for value substitution. Example: !sub 'My Workbench ${ID}'
MQTT Topic Space
There were no special constraints on the MQTT topics to which device could write its messages, in particular no constraints on the topicPrefix of the target interface.
In 1.0 Connectware, every service hat its own namespace in MQTT as given by its ServiceID. Other services cannot read data from each other’s namespace directly. A service has its own scope. If this is intended to be changed, the global parameter CYBUS_MQTT_ROOT can be redefined to some global pattern. And also in a Cybus::Mapping resource, you are allowed to write to anything, but not in the endpoint.
Frontend Routes
For making specific ports of service containers accessible to the outside, in 0.x Connectware one would specify these proxy rules in the frontends section of the service commissioning file. The URLs were created in a scheme that contains the string services, then the provider name and service-identifier, followed by the slug.
In 1.0 Connectware, making ports accessible to the outside is achieved by specifying a Cybus::IngressRoute resource. The URL still contains the string services, but then the serviceId followed by the specified slug. Watch out: No trailing slash is appended automatically now. This has to be specified explicitly if wanted.
Docker options
If the docker containers in a service need to be started with special options, such as device capabilities or xxxx mode, one would use the section alice with some extra parameters.
In 1.0 Connectware, all extra docker options are available as parameters below the Cybus::Container resource, in particular the devices, ports, and capAdd parameters.
Environment Variables
For passing environment variables to containers, a property section env was added to the containers section in the commissioning file. The actual env variables were written in a syntax with equal sign, like so: MQTT_HOST=foo.bar
Defining environment variables for a container is done by adding the environment parameter below the Cybus::Container resource. The actual variables are now written in a syntax of yaml object assignment, as follows: MQTT_HOST: foo.bar
It is also common to use a parameter in this place by reference !ref
or substitution !sub
, like so: MQTT_HOST: $ref Cybus::MqttHost
or MQTT_HOST: '!sub ${myParameter}'
More examples are also shown here.
Grafana dashboard Example
This example shows the comparison between the old file to the new file. More examples are also shown here.
This service runs a Grafana visualization for data, an InfluxDB as data source of the container, and a connector container for data input. The comparison shows how the syntax for specifying containers needs to be changed when upgrading.
Old file in 0.x
New file in 1.0
See also the full example here: “Machine Utilization Example” - Dashboards with role based access permission
The example below uses an additional Docker image provided by Cybus that requires a suitable license. You can check the current capabilities and permissions of your Connectware license in the Cybus Portal (https://portal.cybus.io). If your license is not eligible to use the example Docker image, please contact Cybus Sales (sales@cybus.io).
Last updated
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