This example shows an entire BAZ setup expressed within a single commissioning file, using explicit topics and involving an agent for providing the connection and endpoint resources.
The name of the agent must be specified in the agentName parameter, for example connectware-agent or whatever other name has been given to the agent instance.
The example below uses an additional Docker image provided by Cybus that requires a suitable license. You can check the current capabilities and permissions of your Connectware license in the Cybus Portal ( If your license is not eligible to use the example Docker image, please contact Cybus Sales (
To run the above example, you must also deploy and run an agent, which is a container using the Connectware’s image protocol-mapper with some special environment variables (see also Agent Installation).
The first thing you need to set is the image and image tag (i.e. version) you are going to use. The agent’s container must use the protocol-mapper image of the exact same version as the Connectware, otherwise the system may run into unspecified behaviour. For the subsequent command the image tag (version) is stored as IMAGE_TAG= 1.6.2
Using the IMAGE_TAG environment variable, the following command will run the agent directly (but with the comment lines removed):
# The docker run command
docker run --rm \
# Attach a volume so the agent can store data across restarts
-v /tmp/cybus:/data \
# Set the name of the agent. This must match the agentName used in the commissioning file.
-e CYBUS_AGENT_NAME=connectware-agent \
# The IP address where the Connectware is running.
# Make it run as an agent
-e CYBUS_AGENT_MODE=distributed \
# Some suitable hostname of the container.
--hostname=${HOSTNAME} \
# Run it in host mode networking
--net=host \
# The image to use${IMAGE_TAG}
Then, complete the set up by registering the new agent’s user in the Connectware using the “Client Registry” process, see Agent Registration and Client Registry