Uninstalling Connectware agents with the connectware-agent Helm chart


  • Helm V3 installed (Helm | Installing Helm).

  • kubectl installed (Install Tools).

  • kubectl configured with the current context pointing to your target cluster (Configure Access to Multiple Clusters).

Uninstalling All Agents from One Installation

If you want to remove all agents that were installed using the connectware-agent Helm chart, you can use helm uninstall command with the name of your installation (called a „release“). You chose this name yourself when installing with the connectware-agent Helm chart. If you follow our docs it is named connectware-agent, but you can look it up by using the helm list command targeting the namespace in which you installed your agents.


helm list -n <namespace>
NAME             	NAMESPACE	REVISION	UPDATED                                	STATUS  	CHART                    	APP VERSION
connectware-agent	<namespace>	1       	2023-03-29 14:49:49.29654165 +0200 CEST	deployed	connectware-agent-1.0.0 	1.1.5

Once you determined the name of your installation, you can uninstall it.


helm uninstall -n <namespace> connectware-agent

This terminates running pods and removes their Kubernetes objects, however PersistentVolumeClaims, and with them the Persistent Volumes are retained. If you wish to clean them up, you can do so by using the label app.kubernetes.io/instance in combination with kubectl delete. The value for this label is again the release name you already used to uninstall.


kubectl delete -n <namespace> pvc -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=connectware-agent

Uninstalling Single Agents from a Larger Installation

If you want to remove one or more agents from a larger group of agents installed using the connectware-agent Helm chart, you can simply remove their whole configuration from your values.yaml file and running a Helm upgrade as described in Configuring agents with the connectware-agent Helm chart.


    connectwareHost: connectware.cybus # adjust to actual hostname of Connectware
    - name: bender-robots
              cpu: 2000m
              memory: 4000Mi
    - name: welder-robots # remove all configuration for this agent
      resources: #
          limits: #
              cpu: 500m #
              memory: 1000Mi #
    - name: painter-robots
              cpu: 1000m
              memory: 2000Mi

Last updated

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