Deploying Custom Connectors

Since a custom connector is based on a pre-built Docker image, you must pass the image tag to the build command. In the code example, the recent BASEIMAGE_VERSION tag is 1.1.1.

  1. To start and deploy your custom connector, write a docker-compose.yml file. The following code example starts the agent with a server:

docker-compose build --build-arg BASEIMAGE_VERSION=1.1.1
version: '2.4'
    # Run the example server
        build: .
        network_mode: host # Using host network
        entrypoint: ''
        command: sh -c 'cd /app/src/protocols/custom/utils && node runServer.js'

        build: .
        network_mode: host # Using host network
            - agentData:/data
            CYBUS_MQTT_HOST: localhost # Asuming Cybus Connectware to be reachable on local system
            CYBUS_AGENT_MODE: distributed
            CYBUS_AGENT_NAME: CustomConnectorAgent
            CYBUS_LOG_LEVEL: info

  1. To start your custom connector, use the following code:

docker-compose up -d
  1. To register the custom connector as an agent in Connectware, log into Connectware and select User > Client Registry.

  2. Click Unlock to allow the agent to register with Connectware.

  1. Once the client is registered, click it.

  1. In the Grant Access dialog, click Allow. By default, the default permissions are assigned to the client.

Result: You can now use your custom connector.

Last updated

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