Version-Specific Upgrades (Kubernetes)

The following Connectware upgrades require you to follow a few additional steps when upgrading Connectware to a newer version:

  • Upgrading from 1.x to 1.7.0

  • Upgrading from 1.x to 1.5.0

Upgrading from 1.x to 1.7.0

Connectware 1.7.0 affects the backward compatibility of the Connectware broker. Older broker data volumes are not compatible with brokers of Connectware 1.7.0 and newer. Upgrading to Connectware 1.7.0 requires additional upgrade procedures.

Additionally, multi-factor authentication (MFA) is now controlled via a dedicated configuration switch.

Important Notes

This upgrade will delete all persisted data of the Connectware broker. This includes client sessions, subscriptions, and retained data. If your configuration relies on any type of data persisted by the broker, make sure to properly initialize your applications after the upgrade.

If you rely on persisted data, create a backup or snapshot of the broker data volumes. This allows you to roll back in case of complications.

Upgrading Procedure

  1. Important: If your Connectware installation is below 1.5.0, make sure that you have followed Upgrading from 1.x to 1.5 before upgrading to 1.7.0.

  2. Scale down the broker cluster in Kubernetes. Set the number of broker nodes and control-plane-broker nodes to zero and wait until all broker pods have been successfully removed.

  3. Delete the broker and control-plane-broker data volumes. Log volumes do not have to be deleted.

  4. If you are using multi-factor authentication (MFA), set the Helm value global.authentication.mfa.enabled to true.

  5. Apply the updated Helm Chart of Connectware version 1.7.0 For more information, see Installing Connectware on Kubernetes.

Once all pods are up and running again and no new deviations appear in Connectware, the upgrade has been successful.

Upgrading from 1.x to 1.5.0

This Cybus Kubernetes guide provides a detailed procedure to help admins adjust the persistent volume content permissions to ensure a smooth upgrade to Connectware 1.5.0 in Kubernetes environments.


  • Connectware version 1.3.0 or higher is installed on Kubernetes

  • Administrative rights to run privileged workloads in your Kubernetes cluster

  • kubectl configured with access to the target installation

  • Helm version 3 installed on your system

  • Cybus Helm repository added for access to:

    • Connectware Helm chart connectware in version 1.5.0.

    • Connectware Agent Helm chart connectware-agent in version 1.1.0.

  • Access to the values.yaml file specific to your installation

  • Knowledge of the name and namespace of your Connectware installation

Overview of the Upgrade

Before you begin the upgrade process, ensure that you have made the necessary preparations and that all relevant stakeholders are involved.

The following steps give you an overview of what you need to do. See below for detailed step-by-step instructions.

  1. Create the YAML snippets: Create YAML snippets for each PersistentVolumeClaim used by Connectware. This step is essential for identifying the volumes that need permission adjustments.

  2. Filter volumes: Carefully review the created snippets to ensure that only related volumes are included. This is critical to avoid unnecessary modifications and potential disruptions.

  3. Update the Kubernetes job file: Integrate the snippets into the kubernetes-job.yml file as described.

  4. Shutdown Connectware: Securely shut down all Connectware and agent pods to prevent any access conflicts during the permissions update. This step is crucial to ensure that the permissions changes are applied without interference.

  5. Run the Kubernetes job: Run the job to adjust permissions on all relevant volumes. This action addresses the core challenge posed by the upgrade and ensures that the new, non-root containers can access the files they need.

  6. Delete Kubernetes services: Remove all services used by Connectware in preparation for the new version. This step is necessary to accommodate updates that are incompatible with the existing service configurations.

  7. Apply Helm upgrade: Proceed with the Helm upgrade to Connectware version 1.5.0. This step completes the upgrade process and implements the new security measures and permissions model.

Important Notes

  • Permissions on NFS-based storage: NFS-based storage, such as EKS, may not allow permission changes directly through Kubernetes. For such storages, adjust permissions directly on the storage device if needed. This ensures that the required volumes are accessible to the new container users. The permissions are as follows:

    • For all volumes besides postgresql set ownership to 1000:0 and permissions to 770.

    • For postgresql set ownership to 70:0 and permissions to 770.

  • Downtime for Connectware services: This process involves downtime for Connectware services. Schedule the upgrade accordingly to minimize the impact on your operations.

  • Deleting Kubernetes services: Deleting Kubernetes services before the upgrade is critical. This is necessary in order to update our existing headless services to ClusterIP services. Transitioning to ClusterIP services enables port translation, allowing you to continue to connect to the pre-upgrade service ports (80,443) while also being able to connect to the new service ports (8080, 8443). This ensures uninterrupted service access and compatibility after the upgrade.

Upgrading Procedure


Creating YAML Snippets for relevant PersistentVolumeClaim names

  1. Create a script named containing the following:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Creates a Kubernetes resource list of volumeMounts and volumes for Connectware (agent) deployments
function usage {
    printf "Usage:n"
    printf "$0 [--kubeconfig|-kc <kubeconfig_file>] [--context|-ctx <target_context>] [--namespace|-n <target_namespace>] [--no-external-agents] [--no-connectware]n"
    exit 1

function argparse {

  while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
    case "$1" in
        # a kube_config file for the Kubernetes cluster access
        export KUBE_CONFIG="${2}"
        # a KUBE_CONTEXT for the Kubernetes cluster access
        export KUBE_CONTEXT="${2}"
        # the Kubernetes cluster namespace to operate on
        export NAMESPACE="${2}"
        export NO_EXTERNAL_AGENTS=true
        export NO_CONNECTWARE=true
        printf "ERROR: Parameters invalidn"

# init
export NO_CONNECTWARE=false
export KUBECTL_BIN=$(command -v kubectl)

argparse $*

shopt -s expand_aliases
# Check for kubectl paramaters and construct the ${KUBECTL_CMD} command to use
if [ ! -z $KUBE_CONFIG ]; then
if [ ! -z $KUBE_CONTEXT ]; then
if [ ! -z $NAMESPACE ]; then


volumes=$(${KUBECTL_CMD} get pvc -o name | sed -e 's/persistentvolumeclaim///g' )

if [[ "${NO_CONNECTWARE}" == "false" ]]; then
  valid_pvcs=$(cat << EOF

if [[ "${NO_EXTERNAL_AGENTS}" == "false" ]]; then
  # Add volumes from agent Helm chart
  pvc_volumes=$(${KUBECTL_CMD} get pvc -o name -l | sed -e 's/persistentvolumeclaim///g' )

# Collect volumeMounts
for pvc in $volumes; do
  for valid_pvc in $valid_pvcs; do
      if [[ "$pvc" =~ $valid_pvc ]]; then
          - name: $pvc
            mountPath: /mnt/connectware_$pvc"

# Collect volumes
for pvc in $volumes; do
  for valid_pvc in $valid_pvcs; do
      if [[ "$pvc" =~ $valid_pvc ]]; then
        - name: $pvc
            claimName: $pvc"

# print volumeMounts
echo "Copy this as the "volumeMounts:" section:"
echo "######################################"
echo -n "        volumeMounts:"
echo "$volumemounts_yaml"

# print volumes
echo "Copy this as the "volumes:" section:"
echo "######################################"
echo -n "      volumes:"
echo "$volume_yaml"
  1. Select the target environment:

kubectl config use-context <my-cluster>
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace <my-connectware-namespace>
  1. Make the script executable and run it:

chmod u+x
  1. Review the output to confirm only relevant volumes are listed.

Example output:

Copy this as the "volumeMounts:" section:
        - name: brokerdata-broker-0
          mountPath: /mnt/connectware_brokerdata-broker-0
        - name: brokerdata-control-plane-broker-0
          mountPath: /mnt/connectware_brokerdata-control-plane-broker-0
        - name: brokerlog-broker-0
          mountPath: /mnt/connectware_brokerlog-broker-0
        - name: brokerlog-control-plane-broker-0
          mountPath: /mnt/connectware_brokerlog-control-plane-broker-0
        - name: certs
          mountPath: /mnt/connectware_certs
        - name: postgresql-postgresql-0
          mountPath: /mnt/connectware_postgresql-postgresql-0
        - name: protocol-mapper-agent-001-0
          mountPath: /mnt/connectware_protocol-mapper-agent-001-0
        - name: service-manager
          mountPath: /mnt/connectware_service-manager
        - name: system-control-server-data
          mountPath: /mnt/connectware_system-control-server-data
        - name: workbench
          mountPath: /mnt/connectware_workbench

Copy this as the "volumes:" section:
        - name: brokerdata-broker-0
              claimName: brokerdata-broker-0
        - name: brokerdata-control-plane-broker-0
              claimName: brokerdata-control-plane-broker-0
        - name: brokerlog-broker-0
              claimName: brokerlog-broker-0
        - name: brokerlog-control-plane-broker-0
              claimName: brokerlog-control-plane-broker-0
        - name: certs
              claimName: certs
        - name: postgresql-postgresql-0
              claimName: postgresql-postgresql-0
        - name: protocol-mapper-agent-001-0
              claimName: protocol-mapper-agent-001-0
        - name: service-manager
              claimName: service-manager
        - name: system-control-server-data
              claimName: system-control-server-data
        - name: workbench
              claimName: workbench

Updating and Applying the Kubernetes Job

  1. Create a script named kubernetes-job.yml containing the following:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
    name: connectware-fix-permissions
        app: connectware-fix-permissions
    backoffLimit: 3
            restartPolicy: OnFailure
                - name: cybus-docker-registry
                - image:
                      runAsUser: 0
                  imagePullPolicy: Always
                  name: connectware-fix-permissions
                  # Insert the volumeMounts section here
                  # volumeMounts:
                  # - name: brokerdata-broker-0
                  #   mountPath: /mnt/connectware_brokerdata-broker-0
                          cpu: 200m
                          memory: 100Mi
            # Insert the volumes section here
            # volumes:
            # - name: brokerdata-broker-0
            #   persistentVolumeClaim:
            #     claimName: brokerdata-broker-0
  1. Open kubernetes-job.yml and integrate the output of the script.

  2. Shut down all Connectware and agent pods:

kubectl scale sts,deploy<connectware-installation-name> --replicas 0
kubectl scale sts<connectware-agent-installation-name> --replicas 0
  1. Apply the job to change permissions:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes-job.yml

Verifying and Cleaning Up

  1. Check the job logs for confirmation:

kubectl logs -f job/connectware-fix-permissions

Example output

Found directory: connectware_brokerdata-broker-0. Going to change permissions
Found directory: connectware_brokerdata-broker-1. Going to change permissions
Found directory: connectware_brokerdata-control-plane-broker-0. Going to change permissions
Found directory: connectware_brokerdata-control-plane-broker-1. Going to change permissions
Found directory: connectware_brokerlog-broker-0. Going to change permissions
Found directory: connectware_brokerlog-broker-1. Going to change permissions
Found directory: connectware_brokerlog-control-plane-broker-0. Going to change permissions
Found directory: connectware_brokerlog-control-plane-broker-1. Going to change permissions
Found directory: connectware_certs. Going to change permissions
Found directory: connectware_postgresql-postgresql-0. Going to change permissions
Postgresql volume identified, using postgresql specific permissions
Found directory: connectware_service-manager. Going to change permissions
Found directory: connectware_system-control-server-data. Going to change permissions
Found directory: connectware_workbench. Going to change permissions
All done. Found 13 volumes.
  1. Delete the Kubernetes job afterward:

kubectl delete -f kubernetes-job.yml
  1. Delete outdated Kubernetes services:

kubectl delete svc -l<connectware-installation-name>

Upgrading Connectware

  1. Run the Helm command to upgrade Connectware to 1.5.0.

helm upgrade -n <namespace> <installation-name> <repo-name>/connectware --version 1.5.0 -f values.yaml
  1. If you have any connectware-agent Helm chart installations, update them to Helm chart version 1.1.0.

Result: You have successfully upgraded Connectware to 1.5.0.

Functionality of Provided Files

This script is designed to automatically generate Kubernetes resource lists, specifically volumeMounts and volumes, for Connectware deployments on Kubernetes. It simplifies the preparation process for upgrading Connectware by:

  • Identifying PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) used by Connectware and optionally by external agents.

  • Creating the YAML snippets required for mounting these volumes into the Kubernetes job designed to fix permissions.

  • Allowing customization through parameters such as --kubeconfig, --context, --namespace, to specify the Kubernetes cluster and namespace.

  • Providing options to exclude volumes related to Connectware or external agents, if necessary.

The script outputs sections that can be directly copied and pasted into the kubernetes-job.yml file, ensuring that the correct volumes are mounted with the appropriate permissions for the upgrade process.


This YAML file defines a Kubernetes job responsible for adjusting the permissions of the volumes identified by the script. The job is tailored to run with root privileges, enabling it to modify ownership and permissions of files and directories within PVCs that are otherwise inaccessible due to the permission changes introduced in Connectware 1.5.0.

The job’s purpose is to ensure that all persistent volumes used by Connectware are accessible by the new, non-root container user, addressing the core upgrade challenge without compromising on security by avoiding the use of root containers in the Connectware deployment itself.

Last updated

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