Customizing the Search Filter for LDAP Authentication


Customizing the Search Filter for LDAP Authentication

There are scenarios where it is useful to extend the default search filter of Connectware. For example:

  • your users are not uniquely identifiable by their username, for example when there are users with the same RDN within the search base of your LDAP configuration.

  • You have to give a search base that is very huge as your accounts a spread within the DIT but by filtering the search may be more efficient

The filter that will be used by Connectware is (=) whereas userRdn is defined as environment variable in your values.yml and username is the name the user enters during login.

Any extension will result in a filter of the current format:

(&(<userRdn>=<username>)(<your extension>)

Info: You could test the filter by performing request with ldapsearch on your terminal (may require additional packages to be installed)


ldapsearch -L -b "dc=example,dc=org" -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org" -w admin_pass "(&(cn=User 1)(objectclass=iNetOrgPerson))"


In the following example, we have two entries with an RDN cn=a.smith.

├ cn=customers
│  └ cn=a.smith
└ cn=employees
└ cn=a.smith

Both users are named a.smith, but they are different entries. In a case like this you will use cn=employees,dc=ecample,dc=org as search base and actually won’t have a problem. But lets use dc=example,dc=org in order to create a simple example case for the filter extension.

We want to modify the filter in order to search only for entries that have cn=employees in their DN.

The search command to test on the terminal will for the employee a.smith will look like this:

ldapsearch -L -b "dc=example,dc=org" -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org" -w admin_pass "(&(cn=a.smith)(cn:dn:=employee))"

To modify Connectware, we only add the extension itself (cn:dn:=employee) to the configuration:

            enabled: true
            existingBindSecret: my-ldap-user
            searchBase: CN=Users,DC=company,DC=tld
            searchFilter: cn:dn:=employees
            userRdn: cn
            url: ldap://

Important: Be aware the no surrounding brackets are used for the additional expression. Brackets within your expression could be used, e.g. &(objectClass=iNetOrgPerson)(cn:dn:=employees).

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