Service Commissioning Files

Service commissioning files are the foundation for defining and implementing services in Connectware. These files use YAML format to describe all the resources, configurations, and relationships that make up a service.

A service commissioning file serves as a blueprint for a service, detailing:

  1. The resources required by the service (e.g., users, connections, containers)

  2. Configuration parameters for each resource

  3. Relationships and dependencies between resources

When you enable a service in Connectware, the system reads the service commissioning file and automatically sets up all specified resources according to the defined parameters.


Service commissioning files follow a structured format:

  1. They begin with service metadata (name, description, etc.)

  2. They list resources, each with its own set of parameters

  3. They may include references between resources to establish relationships

The YAML format allows for a human-readable yet precise definition of complex service structures.

For more information, see Structure of Service Commissioning Files.


To use a service commissioning file:

  1. Create the file following the required structure and syntax.

  2. Upload the file to Connectware.

  3. Enable the service to implement its defined resources.

In the following sections, we'll explore the structure of commissioning files in detail, including syntax, available resource types, and best practices for creating effective service definitions.

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